So now's about the time when we as an English 110.01 class at OSU need to start thinking about our main focus for our PSA projects. The theme "Food and Foodways" really broadens the spectrum as far as what types of literary works, advertisements, video clips, movies, media, etc. we can choose to be the focus for an analysis of this theme and how it relates to and influences a specific culture. That being said however, I wanted to choose something that has a profound influence on our American culture as a whole. That is why out of my many, many options, I chose the following two options:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zc_z623Wsro or the poster itself (displayed at the top left). I feel that both the movie trailer and the poster (both based on a New York Times Bestseller) can depict a lot of information about how some of the largest food empires in America can have a pretty detrimental effect on our society. Fast food originated in the United States; to other countries, it is the food that we are known for. While the majority turn a blind eye and see those McDonald's and Burger King hubs as a place for quick and affordable "good eats," there is plenty of information about how those companies run, and about how much Americans are influenced by them that would have people boycotting these places instantly. Or maybe not. Maybe fast food has just become so incorporated into our daily lives and culture that it's almost impossible to live without.